Q0055. How is it possible that I recognize him and that the one who is always present does not even see him? Why do I have to experience something like that? Why did I recognize him? What is nature’s message, except getting close to myself?


I went to the Carl Cox party last year. I had a very bizarre feeling before I went to this party: I come across my soul love. I recognized and spoke with him and walked away with a lot of tears in my eyes. I could not place it at that time. He was a mirror image of someone else who only hurt me a lot. Should I learn from this? How is it possible that I recognize him and that the one who is always present does not even see him. It has caused me a great deal of confusion. The love for the new face dominates my life and doesn’t know what to do with me? Even their names are very similar. As a result, my life has only become more beautiful. I am myself again, though I have many tears in my eyes and a deep sadness. Why do I have to experience something like that? Why did I recognize him? What is nature’s message? except come close to myself? It happened to me again with old new a third mirror image of those 2 a boy of 19, who made me so happy. His face appears first in 2006 and my wish was to meet my soul love again this year? What happens to me now? I don’t know anymore.

Confusion is the start of a whole new adventure. Try to deal with it separately. In the end it is always about the same, your own deepest self. (Unknown)