Q0038. Does it never go well with someone?


Now I read nothing else but negative ending stories … doesn’t anyone have a positive story? I myself have also had a break with my twinflame since yesterday; happened a few times, but we keep coming back together … the appeal is too great! Me: 41 and single and free, he: 44 married in a “wrong marriage,” he says … he has been married for 20 years, and has been “thought” for him for 20 years by his wife who apparently has a lot of power over him because it is too ‘weak’ in character. If I read like this on this forum: let go, let go and let go again! Even though it hurts .. But nobody really has a positive story, where you can live ‘happily ever after’ together? With my friend I also recognize the fear of getting rid of the handcuffs he received on his wedding day … afraid of freedom, afraid of Happiness … I hope that someone here can answer who has a POSITIVE story about a happy ending, because when I read this forum, my heart sinks! our ‘extra-marital’ relationship has been going on for 1 year and 3 months: has been very intense, has reached great heights!

In fact, it always runs very well! Only often for the person himself and not in the sense of a romantic long-term partner relationship together. I have never spoken to anyone who would rather not have experienced soul love. In general, the lives of the people who ‘happen to’ it are pretty messed up. That takes a lot of energy to put your life back in order. But everyone I know is much happier than before. Once you have gone through the process of letting go of your soul love, it has made you so strong and happy that you can handle the whole world. Despite that you will always keep the feeling that you are not ‘complete’ without your soul love with you. And of course there are also people who have a long-term romantic partner relationship as soul lovers, only these people are no longer at the processing stage and will therefore not come to this website or other website about soul love. Read the experience stories and look for a wonderfully beautiful experience that the same people describe. See also the statement in the welcome message; ‘Forget the stories about romantic love relationships between twinflames. See your twinflame as a hard push to deepen your relationship with yourself, a reunification with yourself. Your twinflame is your brightest mirror and reflects pure love, that is what you are yourself! “(Tiny) ‘Forget the stories about romantic love relationships between twinflames. See your twinflame as a hard push to deepen your relationship with yourself, a reunification with yourself. Your twinflame is your brightest mirror and reflects pure love, that is what you are yourself! “(Tiny) ‘Forget the stories about romantic love relationships between twinflames. See your twinflame as a hard push to deepen your relationship with yourself, a reunification with yourself. Your twinflame is your brightest mirror and reflects pure love, that is what you are yourself! “(Tiny)

It also ended fantastic for me (although I don’t know what the future will bring of course). we were very close for a long time. only knew each other via internet and telephone but were so happy together. I had a relationship, she didn’t and sometimes we really didn’t know what we felt for each other and I doubted my relationship because of her. A break came that was very violent and lasted about one and a half years. I gave up her at that time, I could not have her with her and she could not have me because we both had a hard time. yet we were always feeling together and we could never forget each other. she was still very present in my mind and heart, even though there was no contact. a few weeks ago I decided to email her again and, indeed, I received an email back and she finally wanted to meet me. so said so happens …. we have met and wow what was that incredibly beautiful and special! we spent hours cuddling on the couch without feeling her as a threat to my relationship. we respect each other’s boundaries and they especially mine because I have a relationship, not them. we are together again, have found each other completely and never want to lose each other again. we have both grown and I am no longer dependent on her as I used to be. I love her dearly, but that is no longer at the expense of my relationship. I love her on a different level, a much deeper level that rises above everything else on earth. I don’t believe I would want a relationship with her if my relationship ever broke down, it doesn’t feel like that is our destiny … in this life anyway. so it can all really work out well and keep going well. it just depends on what you choose together, how you want to see things together and how you choose to enjoy them. (Unknown)

Fantastic how you found a mode in this in addition to your existing relationship. But how does your life partner deal with that? How can he / she accept that? I am still looking for the answer as to whether it is possible (certainly with my partner who does not understand the concept of soul love) to be able to continue the special bond and very fruitful friendship with my soul love at all and in what form that is possible. After all, it can be very threatening for partners who don’t know the feeling. (Unknown)
Answer Sometimes things don’t go the way you want. It is how you deal with it and how you interpret things. The stories here don’t have a negative outcome, it’s because you see it that way right now. You want to read things that fit in your state. Unfortunately, the reality is often different. (Unknown)

Dear Tiny, may I be the first to wish she had never met her soul love? I would rather have lived the rest of this life in darkness than now in the hell of his sick mind! And I hope you want to place this, because unfortunately this too can become a reality when you meet your twinflame. (Forever)

My experience of soul love was also a great one. Despite the fact that it was short-lived, it has changed my life a lot. I am happier after this experience. Life feels more intense, warmer and there is nothing that I regret. Of course it hurt when we realized that we could not give it a romantic twist. But by knowing that that doesn’t mean intent at least now I could well accept that. And he felt like myself and I wanted to get to know that person even better and love it more. I have never felt so much love for someone I didn’t already know. Really Amazing