P0104. Nostalgia poem


My love, my dearest love, my only love,
Today is exactly, exactly
three weeks ago
that we together last
Hard Ride Truly loved
Farewell Truly loved
if there would tomorrow be
Damn, there is no tomorrow came
It stopped, everything stopped

We still cannot believe
that we are so well together
that we are so naturally together
that we are so happy together
that we are so happy together

We still cannot believe
that we are divorced again
that we are without you and me again
that we are in such pain
that we are in and through and from each other

My love, my dearest love, my only love
three weeks we had exactly, exactly
three weeks when we each
Hard Ride Truly loved
On- Farewell Truly loved
if there was no tomorrow come
However, there always came a morning
three weeks, three weeks short
One morning came until

Damn it, suddenly no tomorrow came.
It stopped, everything stopped

My love, my love, my only love.
We are both torn, torn … AOUUW …