Q0309. How can I continue with my life?


Does the terrible sadness and loss really go away? can I enjoy again without thinking about her? I broke my relationship myself. My soul love has chosen her husband and has started to use the distance. Distance (intellectual) because her behavior and attitude always show how much she cares about me. So much that she is encouraging me to find another love … in order to give another sense of guilt. My feeling indicates that one day she will stand before me … but trust my feeling / intuition? It is survival … there seems to be a band around my chest, my heart hurts. How can I continue with my life?

Of course it hurts and you feel amputated, but maybe you should trust that everything will be fine !!! (Unknown)

A week ago I felt just like you. And now my twinflame is suddenly back in my life. And he missed me as much as I missed him. Don’t give up and keep believing in it, what do you have to lose. (Unknown)

I have that feeling as if you are locked up, and the only one with the key to it … I recognize it completely, don’t care, it’s denying because she is afraid, afraid of the consequences if when she starts giving in to her feelings, the dam breaks, an unstoppable flow and that is scary. say yes out of guilt; ‘just find another’ .. that soothes her own conscience then she can ‘just’ continue but she comes across herself once (or you haha) and then she is back with .. with whom she actually actually is and wants to be..like a ball under water..hope, trust and continue with your own life, she will come once, love (Unknown)